Updated 15-August-98.

Amiga CD32 Game Cheats Page!

Here is an list of CD32 Game Cheats

  • Beneath a steel sky Solution is coming up!
  • Simon the Sorceror Solution is coming up!
  • Alien Breed II:
    Enter these for your password:

    "378829"_____________________Fifty keys.
    "098654"______________________Ten lives.
    "243433"___________Activates level skip.

    (Use 'N' during play to skip levels)


    02-"353828" 06-"847464" 10-"193831" 14-"103992"
    03-"108383" 07-"737373" 11-"090921" 15-"998112"
    04-"370101" 08-"928112" 12-"309383" 16-"125332"
    05-"982822" 09-"267364" 13-"101221" 17-"091233"

  • Alien Breed Tower Assault


    Security level 3----"FCDBMDEASDCAAADM"
    Security level 3----"FCCELDAAHDCAAAEK"

    Engineering level 1-"FKBDMDEAFDCAAAEB"

    Science level 3-----"JGCJNDEAPDCAAACS"

    Military level 3----"EPAEMDEBBDCAAAEA"
    Military level 3----"IPCBSDADSDCAAACI"

    Main tower level 2--"LAAPJDAISDCAAACM"
    Main tower level 2--"LACJPDADSDCAAACS"
    Main tower level 3--"HCAPJDADSDCAAADD"
    Main tower level 4--"HCBPSLADSDCAAACB"

    Stores level 3------"EJDCPDAASDCAAADG"

    Civilian level 3----"EEHBNDAASDCAAADK"

    Miscellaneous Codes:


  • Alien Breed 3D

    Level Codes:

    Level 08 ----- PPKKIKKPNAANEOMD
    Level 09 ----- LLKOHBLPNAANEOMD
    Level 10 ----- BMAGHMLPNAANEOMD

  • Banshee

    On the title screen type: " FLEV17 " and press Return, you should now have
    infinite lives, use the Function keys to skip levels. If the cheat has worked
    the screen will flash.

    Enter " MARY WHITEHOUSE " for your name on the high score table. This will give
    you the ability to kill the polar bears and civilians during play.

    Enter " KANNIJADE KREW " for your name on the high score table. This will give
    you invincibility and will allow you to skip levels with the two buttons on
    the top of the joypad.

  • Brutal Sports Football

    Level Codes:

    LEAGUE 1: "5L5X6TGX!" "66QSHGGGG"

  • Bubba 'N' Stix

    Level Codes:

    Stage 2 - 7LRRF3H6G7

    Stage 3 - 9YZN!6RYTG
    Stage 3 - 9VBDM!1!DN - (7 Lives)

    Stage 4 - 3G2MCG6KN5
    Stage 4 - 3VTCF9JQG8 - (7 Lives)

    Stage 5 - CS4SL9DFQC

  • Cannon Fodder

    Click on the LOAD icon and press and hold both Mouse Buttons for 5 seconds
    mand then release), a screen will appear offering you a HARDMAN option and
    Level Section.

  • Chaos Engine

    Some level codes:

    One Player & CPU

    World 2

    4RFRCY6GLVN0 -----

    BZPBKC81FH81 ----- Gentleman & Thug (loads of lives & full power)

    World 3

    ZQFDJ5BGP041 -----
    190L0VTGP1N3 -----
    ZQGHKR20P0Z# ----- Brigand & Gentleman

    D5FBKRW1FH75 ----- (loads of lives & full power)

    World 4

    SDTBK4J2G33GW ----- (loads of lives & full power)

    Two Players

    World 2

    SN72BPWKT7NV -----

    World 3


    World 4


  • D-Generation

    Coming Up!

  • Death Mask

    * Level * Name * Code *
    + 001 + Engine Room + 52385 +
    + 002 + Genetics Lab + 22428 +
    + 003 + Briefing Room + 84843 +
    + 004 + Storage Room + 22087 +
    + 005 + Rest Room + 38641 +
    + 006 + Prison 1 + 06395 +
    + 007 + Research Room + 33224 +
    + 008 + Prison 2 + 35527 +
    + 009 + Office + 48962 +
    + 010 + Weapon Room + 65074 +
    + 011 + Transport Bay + 62438 +
    + 012 + Security Zone 1 + 28283 +
    + 013 + Security Zone 2 + 85325 +
    + 014 + Security Zone 3 + 10769 +
    + 015 + Security Zone 4 + 25324 +
    + 016 + Security Zone 5 + 43542 +
    + 017 + Security Zone 6 + 62156 +
    + 018 + Training Ground 1 + 84678 +
    + 019 + Training Ground 2 + 57093 +
    + 020 + Training Ground 3 + 29264 +
    + 021 + Training Ground 4 + 47446 +

  • Deep Core

    Start as normal, then press:

    GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, and RED BUTTONS simultaneously.

    Now press:

    FORWARD and REVERSE together.

    Then press:


    A whooshing sound activates the cheat mode.

    To skip levels, push all the buttons as well as FORWARD and REVERSE, but
    don't press pause!

  • Diggers

    For loads of money and access to all game levels just goto the map screen and
    click on 'FUJALE', 'CHONSKEE' and then 'DEENA' in order. If you've done it
    right the pointer will change allowing you to play any level you wish. And,
    just for good measure, there'll be a whacking 599 credits available interest

  • Disposable Hero

    First up select 'Arcade' mode.
    And turn off sound FX on the option holding down the Blue button.
    Now push Up, Down, FF, RW, Yellow, Left, Right, Play.
    When you've done all of that go back to the option screen and turn FX back
    A new option should appear called 'Configuration'. Select for a menu of
    possible cheats.

  • Dragonstone

    Level Codes:

    Level 2 - B y 1 p v H o - x L B - T 5 J k b k H N

    (Mountain Impossible)
    Level 3 - r M E m Y M y B A L 8 C T H n w T M H B

    (Petit Port)
    Level 4 - B r 1 A v k 2 - A t K C O 5 n w T k H B

    (Dragon Isle - The Gateway)
    Level 5 - B y 1 A Y k 3 - x L I - T 5 n T b T a c

    (Dragon Isle - Earth Temple)
    Level 6 - G r 1 4 Y k x - H L G - O 5 n T b T a c

    (Dragon Isle - Earth Temple Dragon)
    Level 7 - G y 1 4 7 k x - H L I - O 5 n T b T a c

    (Dragon Isle - Water Temple)
    Level 8 - G r E A 7 M 3 w x L K - O 5 n 4 T T a c

    (Dragon Isle - Water Temple Dragon)
    Level 9 - G y E A 7 M 3 w H L Y - O 5 n 4 T T a c

    (Dragon Isle - Fire Temple)
    Level 10 - G M 1 4 g M o w x Z G - O 5 n 5 b U a c

    (Wind Temple - End)
    Level 11 - G y 1 4 + M o w x 2 Y - O 5 n 5 T U a

  • Fifa International Soccer

    Here are some codes for this great soccer game. All codes must be entered
    with the joybad in the Options mode. If a code does not work exit the options
    menu, re-enter and try again. The 'L' and 'R' are the buttons on top of the

    Y Y Y X A A A B - Invisible Walls
    X A B Y Y B A X - Crazy Ball
    B A R B Y L - Curve Ball
    B A B B B B B B B B - Super Kicks
    A A A A A Y Y Y Y Y - Super Goalie
    A A B B Y Y X X - Dream Team
    L L L L L R L - Super Defence
    R R R R R L R - Super Offence

  • Flink

    Start the game as normal and the press and hold the pad "Down" and then the
    "Pause" button. Release "Down", but keep the "Pause" held, and then press:-

    Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left.

    A Cheat Menu will now appear, allowing you to "Reset" the level you are on
    with full magic and three lives, as well as letting you skip levels.

    Some Of The Spells are as follows:

    Shrink Spell - Mirror, Necklace, Amulet.
    Spirit Bomb - Feather, Gold Ring, Leaf.
    Demon Spell - Gold Ring, Mirror, Necklace.
    Lightning Spell - Diamond Ring, Feather, Diamond Ring.

  • Fly Harder

    The codes are:

    Level 2 - PHO Level 6 - TRA
    Level 3 - MET Level 7 - QUA
    Level 4 - BLA Level 8 - NEO
    Level 5 - SUP

  • Humans 3 - Evolution.

    Level Codes: Level 2: Coming Up!
  • Impossible Mision 2025

    Level Codes: Level 2: Coming Up!
  • James Pond 2 - Robocod

    When you see the collectables on the roof at the start of the game, collect
    them in the following order :-

    Cake, Hammer, Earth, Apple and Tap.

    When you have completed the level, go back to the roof to find an extra life
    and more points.

  • James Pond 3

    For this one you're going to need an Amiga keyboard. At any point type:-


    And press the 'F10' key to bring up a mighty handy cheat menu.

  • Jetstike

    Level Codes:-


  • Jungle Strike

    Level Codes:

    Washington DC - No Code
    Sub Attack - RX6MJFYBLML
    Training Ground - 9SPY9XV76GC
    Night Strike - XNLGKXWNMZY
    Puloso City - VWNL4S6HDBT
    Snow Fortress - W7N4MJY3T6T
    River Raid - TNPF9XT7NHM
    Mountains - 7NS6MHPGCDY
    Return Home - N4JRTPZJFRH
    Win Screen - L6HGZXT7NH4

  • Kid Chaos

    On the Password screen type in "HARDASNAILS" for a Cheat Menu.

  • Last Ninja

    For infinite lives press L and R along with the Blue button when loading.

  • Lemmings

    Level Codes

    Stage - FUN

    ** Level * Code ** Level * Code ** Level * Code **
    ** 01 * ---------- ** 11 * NHMLHCALCT ** 21 * LFLCCJLFDN **
    ** 02 * IJJLDNCCCN ** 12 * JOLHCMOMCV ** 22 * NHCKKONGDQ **
    ** 03 * NJLDLCADCY ** 13 * MDLCAJLNCR ** 23 * LCCNMLFHDU **
    ** 04 * HLLHCIOECU ** 14 * ELCIJNMOCN ** 24 * CINLLGLIDL **
    ** 05 * LDLCAJNFCK ** 15 * LCENLMDPCL ** 25 * CCKHMGHJDM **
    ** 06 * DLCIJNLGCT ** 16 * CINLMDLQCQ ** 26 * IJHOOHCKDM **
    ** 07 * LCANLLDHCO ** 17 * CAJHLFLBDT ** 27 * NKMFLCALDV **
    ** 08 * CINNLDLICJ ** 18 * KJHNGLBCDQ ** 28 * HOOHCIOMDT **
    ** 09 * CEKHMDLJCO ** 19 * NJNNHCCDDT ** 29 * OOHCGJLNDR **
    ** 10 * MJHMDLCKCW ** 20 * HLFLCNNEDW ** 30 * GLCMJMMODT **

    Stage - TRICKY

    ** Level * Code ** Level * Code ** Level * Code **
    ** 01 * HCGOLONPDX ** 11 * CEKKOLIJEK ** 21 * OHLFMCADFN **
    ** 02 * CMOLMGLQDJ ** 12 * IKHMEMCKEX ** 22 * ILFMCKOEFJ **
    ** 03 * CCJJLDMBEX ** 13 * OJOLICCLEN ** 23 * LFMCEJMFFT **
    ** 04 * IKHLDMCCEN ** 14 * HMDMCIOMEM ** 24 * GICKKOLGFK **
    ** 05 * OHNLIBADEP ** 15 * MDMCGJMNEL ** 25 * MCGNMLFHFL **
    ** 06 * IDLMCIOEEU ** 16 * LMBIJOOOEJ ** 26 * BKOMNFIIFO **
    ** 07 * LDMCCJNFEP ** 17 * KCCOMMLPEU ** 27 * CAJJMGMJFS **
    ** 08 * EMCIJMLGEW ** 18 * CKNLMDMQEV ** 28 * KKKOOICKFV **
    ** 09 * MCEOLLDHEW ** 19 * CCKHNNKBFR ** 29 * OHMFMCALFW **
    ** 10 * CMNLLEMIEP ** 20 * IJJLGMCCFS ** 30 * HMGMCMOMFU **

    Stage - TAXING

    ** Level * Code ** Level * Code ** Level * Code **
    ** 01 * MFMCGKLNFO ** 11 * LGANOLDHGJ ** 21 * GGKHNNHBHY **
    ** 02 * GMCOKLMOFY ** 12 * GKNOLDLIGU ** 22 * KJJLFNGCHK **
    ** 03 * MCANMMFPFO ** 13 * GAJIMMHJGX ** 23 * NJLGNGADHW **
    ** 04 * CINOMGMQFK ** 14 * OKHMDNGKGT ** 24 * KNOHGOOEHL **
    ** 05 * GEKKNMJBGJ ** 15 * OIMELGALGK ** 25 * LFNGCJNFHJ **
    ** 06 * KJILDLGCGU ** 16 * HMDLGKOMGT ** 26 * GNGIJLLGHP **
    ** 07 * NHNLJGCDGY ** 17 * MELGCKLNGN ** 27 * HFANLLFHHU **
    ** 08 * ILDLGMOEGN ** 18 * DLGIJOMOGV ** 28 * FINLLFHIHN **
    ** 09 * LDLGCJOFGV ** 19 * LGENMMDPGU ** 29 * FAJHMFHJHP **
    ** 10 * ENGIJNLGGO ** 20 * GKNNOLHQGS ** 30 * IJHMFHFKHG **

    Stage - MAYHEM

    ** Level * Code ** Level * Code ** Level * Code **
    ** 01 * NJMNLFELHX ** 11 * LDIFAJLFIO ** 21 * IFANLMDPIN **
    ** 02 * HMFJFINMHQ ** 12 * DIFIJLLGIX ** 22 * FINLMDIQIW **
    ** 03 * MFHFAJLNHX ** 13 * MGCNNLEHIO ** 23 * FAJHLFIBJJ **
    ** 04 * FHFIJLMOHQ ** 14 * FINLLDIIIN ** 24 * IJHLFIFCJS **
    ** 05 * HFANLMFPHN ** 15 * FAJHMDIJIP ** 25 * NHLFIFADJP **
    ** 06 * FINLMFHQHW ** 16 * IJHMEMGKIO ** 26 * HLFIFINEJY **
    ** 07 * FAJHLDIBIW ** 17 * NHMDIFALIV ** 27 * LFIFAJLFJR **
    ** 08 * IJHLDIFCIP ** 18 * HMDIFINMIO ** 28 * FIFIJLLGJK **
    ** 09 * NHLDIFADIN ** 19 * MDIFAJLNIX ** 29 * IFANLLFHKX **
    ** 10 * HLDIFINEIV ** 20 * DIFIJLMOIQ ** 30 * FINLLFIIJQ **

    Two Players Game

    ** Level * Code ** Level * Code ** Level * Code **
    ** 01 * JAJHLDKBMQ ** 08 * JINLLDKIMX ** 15 * KJANLMDPMX **
    ** 02 * IJHLDKJCMJ ** 09 * JAJHMDKJMJ ** 16 * JINLMDKQMQ **
    ** 03 * NHLDKJADMW ** 10 * IJHMDKJKMS ** 17 * JAJHLFKBNT **
    ** 04 * HLDKJINEMP ** 11 * NHMDKJALMP ** 18 * IJHLFKJCNM **
    ** 05 * LDKJAJLFMY ** 12 * HMDKJINMMY ** 19 * NHLFKJADNJ **
    ** 06 * DKJIJLLGMR ** 13 * MDKJAJLNMR ** 20 * HLFKJINENS **
    ** 07 * KJANLLDHMO ** 14 * DKJIJLMOMK ** * **

  • Liberation - Captive II

    If you hang on to the data crystal after the first mission, you can use it to
    find other captives on the other missions without hunting for clues.

  • Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

    Enter player one's name in as 'ANGEL DARK' and player two's name as 'HARVEST
    HOME' for some help with the race.
    If you get bored with racing, try entering player one's name as 'MONSTER' and
    player two's name as 'SEVENTEEN'. Now you can play a vertically scrolling
    shoot'em up instead.

  • Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 2

    Level Codes:

    Stage 2 ----- TWILIGHT
    Stage 3 ----- PEA SOUP
    Stage 4 ----- THE SKIDS
    Stage 5 ----- PEACHES
    Stage 6 ----- LIVERPOOL
    Stage 7 ----- BAGLEY
    Stage 8 ----- E BOW

    Also try entering the following Codes:

    DEESIDE ----- Goto next stage when you run out of time.

    TURPENTINE -- The timer stays on ten seconds.

    CU AMIGA ---- To play a Game.

  • Lunar C

    Level Codes:

    Security Zone --- "MEBBHKSBAL"
    Cooling Chamber --- "MFDCRHOCCS"
    Energy Duct --- "WJRICCDFEU"
    Mystery Code --- "BYL ERAI"

  • Microcosm

    When you're about to enter the Pod Bay at the start, and it goes to the cut
    sequence, pause the game and press the following buttons:-

    Green - Blue - Yellow - Red - Yellow - Down - Green - Right - Red - Up

    The Title screen will turn black and white and the cheat will be activated.
    With this cheat, you're invulnerable; you can also warp around the map and
    have all the guns on the next level you play. To warp around the map, simply
    bring the map up. There's a solid white block displaying your location and
    another outlineed block, press either the Blue or the Yellow button; to warp
    to that point, press the Green button. The only drawback to this cheat is that
    all the amazing cut sequences are in black and white. There are various other
    codes which do the same thing at different parts of the game. You can find
    these by pausing the game and pressing all the buttons until you find one
    that makes a different sound to the others. Press it then you have to find
    the next one that makes the same noise. Keep doing this until it makes that
    noise and the cut sequences are in black and white.

    Or try the following:

    At the start of level one, turn right and at the next crossroads push up.
    Pause the game, press Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Up and Left. Unpause and
    you'll be completely invincible.

  • Oscar

    On the level select screen, enter the door marked {SCREEN 2} The Horror
    Level. After the level has loaded and before you press the fire button to
    start the level, push up on the joystick and hold down 'K'. While still
    holding both, press the fire button to enter the level. Once the level has
    started you can let go of the joystick and the 'K' key. Now press 'ESC' to
    skip levels.

  • Out To Lunch

    Level Codes:

    TZATZIKI - Greece

  • RoadKill


    Level 0 - LQPONTQNJO Level 2 - LQPONUPQCK
    Level 1 - LQPONRHCNM Level 3 - LQPONTMBCH

    Badland MegaSmash - HQPOOOCENT

    Some others:


  • Sabre Team

    If you want unlimited action points do the following:

    Select a mission and four characters, any will do. Equip and deploy them and
    when on the main screen click on the blueprint icon on the menu. Select each
    character in the following order, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 3 and hit the left hand
    icon (the rewind button). Go back to the playing screen and you'll have
    unlimited action points.

  • Skeleton Krew

    Goto the character selection screen and type in 'I WOULD RATHER BE WATCHING
    FOREST'. Press SPACE. Choose your character. When the level has loaded,
    press escape to find yourself whisked away to the main menu. At the bottom it
    should say "Cheat Mode Active All". Now go down to 'Option' and press right
    on your control pad. This wil spring you into the level select menu, allowing
    you to twiddle. Once you've selected a level, goto 1 or 2 player game and

  • Super Frog

    Level codes:

    World '1' World '2' World '3' World '4' World '5' World '6'
    --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
    234644 392822 343522 467464 452234 387211
    447464 446364 882311 818234 984841 981122
    747822 984448 992334 182394 383772 017632
    477444 091332 298383 093152 398112

  • Super Stardust


    ZZZZZZZZZZZ - Level 1 (Lots of Lives)

    BESUAAAADHD - Level 2 (4 Lives)

    BESUAAAACEY - Level 2 (4 Lives)

    CASUTAAAFDE - Level 3 (0 Lives)

    CBSUTAAAGDG - Level 3 (2 Lives)

    CCSUTAAAFBE - Level 3 (3 Lives)

    CCSTVAARCQV - Level 3 (4 Lives)

    DBSUSUARHJD - Level 3 (5 Lives)

    EDZZZVZSKGP - Level 4 (3 Lives)

  • Theme Park

    Enter your nickname as MIKE and when playing the game, try these:
    Press C for 100,000.

    Press I to see all the rides.

    Press Z to make all the rides available.

    Press X to make all the facilities available.

  • Alien Breed Tower Assault


    Security level 3----"FCDBMDEASDCAAADM"
    Security level 3----"FCCELDAAHDCAAAEK"

    Engineering level 1-"FKBDMDEAFDCAAAEB"

    Science level 3-----"JGCJNDEAPDCAAACS"

    Military level 3----"EPAEMDEBBDCAAAEA"
    Military level 3----"IPCBSDADSDCAAACI"

    Main tower level 2--"LAAPJDAISDCAAACM"
    Main tower level 2--"LACJPDADSDCAAACS"
    Main tower level 3--"HCAPJDADSDCAAADD"
    Main tower level 4--"HCBPSLADSDCAAACB"

    Stores level 3------"EJDCPDAASDCAAADG"

    Civilian level 3----"EEHBNDAASDCAAADK"

    Miscellaneous Codes:


  • Ultimate Body Blows

    In the Hiscore table type "HARDCORE" and you will now be invincible.

  • Worms

    Here are a few tips:

    Sheep Mode : Type 'TOTAL WORMAGE' on the main screen and you get a banana
    bomb, three sheep and a minigun to start with.

    Secret Move : Stand next to a worm (not your own) and then press away,
    away, towards, towards then do a prod and you get a secret

    Two versus two mode : Select your four players, then select two of them
    again (they get circles instead of stars) you are
    now ready to play team worms.

    Changing friction and gravity on custom screen modes:

    The standard file name for a custom map is 'name.wxyz.wrm' where w=gravity
    (1-5), x=friction (1-5), and y and z are sea and colours, respectively.

  • Zool

    Try the following cheat:

    Type GOLDFISH on TitleMenu for invinciblity.

  • Zool 2

    Try the following cheats:

    CREAMOLA - 10 lives. NAPOLEAN - Bonus stage.

    VISION - 20 lives. SEASME - Level One.

    KICKASS - Infinite smart bombs. RONSON - Level Two.

    ALCENTO - 99% Rate. FUNKYTUT - Level Three.

    OLDENERMY - Freeze clock. HISSTERIA - Level Four.

    TOUGHGUY - Invincible. MARROBONE - Ball Stops On Bonus Level.

    Please send me Mail if you want to add some Games and change some!
    robert.karlsen@gjovik.direkte.telenor.no Robert Karlsen

    Copyright 1998 - Robert Karlsen.